How potholes form?
Potholes are road imperfections that occur when soil compacted beneath pavement becomes weakened or displaced. Roads are particularly likely to form potholes in winter and spring months, when ice and lots of running water disrupt the base layers under the pavement. As cars drive over these weak spots, the pavement deforms, cracks, and chips away, leaving a hole in the road surface. Potholes start small, but grow as traffic hits them, potentially becoming deep or large enough to damage a car.
Five reasons why you should fix the potholes?
Here at Armitage Contracting Ltd, We have right tools, right personnel to fix the potholes efficiently and nicely. Leave it to the professionals. Call us now: 03 9630845.
Most people think the pothole is just a minor aesthetic matter and leave it as it is. However, the matter could get even worse than you think! Here’re FIVE reasons why you should fix the potholes as soon as possible.
- Obviously, potholes are ugly. You might live with them, but your guests will have bad impression when they see potholes along your driveway.
- Potholes compromise your property value. No one would buy a house with bumpy driveways, or they might make an offer but taking the repairing costs into account.
- Potholes accelerate your vehicle deterioration! You’re bound to hit one eventually, which can seriously damage your car. According to a statistics in US, American drivers pay approximately $3 billion or an average cost of $300 each, annually to fix car damage caused by potholes. So GET THAT POTHOLE FIXED TODAY! Before you call us, you might already find damages to your tires, wheels,suspensions, body and exhaust.
- Potholes can be a potential safety hazard for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, of course including yourself!
- Potholes can grow bigger and worse during the harsh weather in winter and spring. The bigger they grow, the harder they can be fixed, hence the more costly you need to pay. So, don’t leave it till too late!
Take this super deal offer now!
Good news is, here at Armitage, we have affordable solutions to solve your pothole problem! At the moment, we are running a promotion targeting Christchurch residents. With as low as $120 for the 1st pothole (max 0.5sqm), we’ll come to fix them.